Best 25 First Fathers Day Gift Ideas For New Dads

Becoming a new dad is exciting and overwhelming, but it’s worth celebrating! Here we welcome you to our guide on unforgettable First Fathers Day gift ideas! Honor this special milestone with meaningful presents that any Dad will love. From personalized keepsakes to sentimental ones, discover the perfect gifts to make his first Father’s Day truly memorable.

What Could Be Considered Good 1st Fathers Day Gift Ideas?

Every father is unique, with diverse interests ranging from movies and sports to gaming. Therefore, the perfect first Fathers Day gift ideas for new dads vary from person to person. While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for unique first Father’s Day gifts, selecting something that aligns with their hobbies or promotes relaxation is a great starting point.

Father’s Day gift ideas for first time dad would not only express his deep love for his baby but also be practical. Gifts that offer the opportunity for personalization are highly recommended. 

For example, a mug, a staple item in his daily routine, which can be customized with something meaningful related to the new dad and his baby. This transforms the mug into both a functional and sentimental keepsake, likely to evoke tears of joy from the new dad.

Still not sure what to get? Check out the list below for some ideas for first Fathers Day gift!

first fathers day gift ideas
Meaningful gifts to mark this milestone with the new father

Best First Fathers Day Gift Ideas For Any Dad-To-Be

Being a dad is amazing, but it’s also really hard work. So this Father’s Day, whether he’s your husband, cousin, or friend, get him a gift that will make his first experience as a dad even more special. Check out’s list of the best 1st fathers day gift ideas:

Unique First Father’s Day Gifts

If you want to give Dad a gift he’ll never forget, consider unique first Fathers Day gift ideas that he’ll truly love. It’s time to make perfect surprises for brand-new dads!

  • Pajamas

If he’s a huge Star Wars fan, surprise him with awesome PJs that even come in a matching baby size. But if sci-fi isn’t his cup of tea, don’t worry! Little Sleepies offers plenty of other styles for both dad and baby to enjoy together.

  • Smart garden

If he loves fresh veggies but can’t grow them himself, get him this easy-to-use smart garden. Just pick from over 75 pre-seeded plant pots, follow three simple steps, and he’ll have his own herb garden. Perfect first Fathers Day gift ideas for the gardening dad!

  • Meat bouquet arrangement

How about a creative spin on a traditional present? Imagine a bouquet of meats elegantly displayed in a beer glass. It includes eight savory “stems” of delectable beef jerky. No doubt he will be impressed by one of the most distinctive ideas for first Fathers Day gift!

  • Stadium poster

For the baseball-loving dad, Uncommon Goods offers blueprints of any stadium of your choosing—a perfect first Father’s Day gift that’s sure to be a home run.

  • Memory foam eye pillow

All parents crave more sleep. That’s why the best 1st Fathers Day gift ideas are designed to help him rest better. This memory foam eye mask offers gentle pressure that’s calming and stress-reducing, making it an ideal gift for a new dad.

unique first father's day gifts
Gifts that help him rest better will be greatly appreciated

First Father’s Day Gift Ideas DIY

The first Father’s Day is a chance to show him how much he’s loved as a brand-new parent. You can try these easy DIY first Fathers Day gift ideas to make something meaningful and heartwarming:

  • Handprint or Footprint Art

Capture the tiny handprints or footprints of the new baby in a creative artwork. Then add a heartfelt message or the date to commemorate the occasion. This is one of great Father’s Day gift ideas that serves as a cherished keepsake for years to come.

  • Memory Jar

Create a memory jar filled with handwritten notes or memories from family members and friends. Then decorate the jar with ribbons, stickers, or paint for a personalized touch.

  • Customized Onesie

Personalize a plain onesie with a fun and creative design using fabric markers or iron-on transfers. Add a humorous or heartfelt message such as “Daddy’s Mini Me” or “World’s Best Dad.” This DIY onesie is not only practical but also serves as a unique keepsake.

  • DIY Photo Album or Scrapbook

Create a handmade photo album or scrapbook filled with memorable moments shared between the new dad and the baby. Don’t forget to add captions, stickers, and embellishments to complete the Fathers Day craft ideas!

  • Homemade Treats

Bake a batch of homemade cookies, brownies, or other treats that the new dad enjoys. Package the treats in a decorative box or tin, and add a personalized note expressing your appreciation.

father's day gift ideas for first time dad
Homemade gifts show that you care a lot about him

Sentimental First Fathers Day Gift Ideas

The first Father’s Day for a new dad is a significant milestone that deserves to be celebrated in a special and sentimental way. Here are some heartfelt ideas for first Fathers Day gift to honor and commemorate this memorable occasion:

  • Father and Baby Sculpture or Carving

Have an artist create a sculpture or carving that beautifully captures the bond between father and baby, similar to this charming carving of two sweet bears. Alternatively, you can create one yourself with lots of love and dedication.

  • Composite Photo

Design a composite photo collage on canvas that combines meaningful images such as photos of the baby with dad. The heartwarming first Fathers Day gift ideas will be a cherished keepsake for the family for years to come.

  • Personalized Keychain with Baby’s Stats

Celebrate both your little bundle of joy and the new dad with a personalized keychain featuring the baby’s name, birthdate, weight, and length. Alternatively, an endearing papa bear with a cub keychain is sure to tug at the heartstrings.

  • Father-Baby Matching Outfits

Gift matching outfits for the new dad and his baby to wear on their first Father’s Day together. Whether it’s matching t-shirts, onesies, or hats, this sentimental gift will create adorable and memorable photo opportunities.

  • Personalized Watch

Need some Father’s Day gift ideas for first time dad that remind him of this special milestone every time? Engrave a watch with a meaningful message or the baby’s initials!

Sentimental first Father's Day gifts
There’s no better way to commemorate a milestone than an item directly related to timing

First Father’s Day Gift For Husband

Your husband’s first Father’s Day is a momentous occasion that calls for a thoughtful and meaningful gift to honor his new role as a dad. Here are some heartfelt first Fathers Day gift ideas to celebrate his journey into fatherhood:

  • Personalized Leather Wallet

Gift a high-quality leather wallet engraved with your husband’s initials or a special message. This gift is both a practical yet sentimental keepsake.

  • Husband Coupon Book From Wife

Create 35 coupons that he can use anytime he wants. These coupons can be playful or practical, but either way, we’re sure he’ll be thrilled to cash them in.

  • Personalized Docking Station

This kind of first Fathers Day gift ideas might gently encourage him to keep his nightstand or desk more organized. A monogrammed docking station, like this one, is ideal for keeping his phone, watches, keys, AirPods, and other essentials neatly in one place. 

  • Homemade Gin Kit

Your family’s entertainer will wow guests when he reveals that the gin they’re enjoying is homemade, crafted by none other than himself. This kit includes everything he needs to turn a simple bottle of vodka into a flavorful botanical blend.

  • Customized Dad Socks

Nothing complements a dad’s wardrobe quite like a pair of heartfelt (even if a bit cheesy) novelty socks. Simply submit your favorite photo and choose the phrase you’d like on the socks, then approve the artist’s design, and he’ll receive his new favorite socks in no time.

first father's day gift for husband
Help your man relieve stress with funny gifts

First Fathers Day Gift Ideas For Son

Your son’s first Father’s Day is a momentous occasion that marks the beginning of his journey into fatherhood. As a senior, you can consider some heartfelt 1st Fathers Day gift ideas:

  • Daddy’s Diaper Duty Tool Belt

The “tool” belt is perfect to give not only in a baby shower but also on the first Father’s Day. He will be cracking up at this first Fathers Day gift for son and also appreciate the 27 items that will help him do his duty properly.

  • Custom Family Portrait

Need artistic ideas for first Fathers Day gift? Commission a professional artist to create a custom portrait of the new dad with his baby. The artwork helps capture their unique bond in a beautiful piece of art.

  • Handwritten Letter

Write a heartfelt letter expressing your love, admiration, and appreciation for the new dad. Share your thoughts and feelings about his journey into fatherhood and the impact he has had on your life.

  • Engraved Pocket Knife

The pocket knife is a versatile and practical tool that many men value. However, this particular pocket knife stands out as one of the wonderful first Fathers Day gift ideas because it can be personalized with his son or daughter’s name and the year he became a father.

  • Baby Footprint Cufflinks

These customizable footprint cufflinks are such sentimental first Father’s Day gifts. Engraved with the baby’s name and date of birth, they serve as a lasting reminder of the special bond between father and child, treasured for years to come.

first fathers day gift for son
Congratulate your son becoming a parent with meaningful gifts

What You Should And Shouldn’t Do To Make First Father’s Day Celebration Perfect

Celebrating a first Father’s Day is a special occasion. Everyone who attends the party will hope that the ceremony will take place completely and meaningfully. To make this day truly memorable and enjoyable, here are some important do’s and don’ts to consider:


  • Personalize the Celebration: Tailor the celebration to the new dad’s preferences and interests. Consider his favorite activities, hobbies, or foods when planning the day’s activities and first Fathers Day gift ideas.
  • Include the Baby: Involve the baby in the celebration as much as possible. Plan activities that allow the new dad to bond with his child and create lasting memories together.
  • Express Gratitude: Take the time to express your appreciation and gratitude for the new dad’s role in the family. Let him know how much he is valued and loved through beautiful happy Father’s Day quotes.
  • Capture Memories: Document the special moments of the day with photos or videos. These memories will be treasured for years to come, serving as a reminder of the wonderful event.


  • Overwhelm the New Dad: Avoid overwhelming the new dad with elaborate plans or expectations. Keep the celebration simple and focused on quality time together.
  • Forget Self-Care: Ensure that the new dad takes time to rest and recharge during the celebration. Avoid overloading him with responsibilities and tasks.
  • Exclude the New Dad: Avoid planning a celebration that excludes the new dad or makes him feel left out. Include him in the decision-making process and make him feel valued and included.
  • Stress About Perfection: Don’t stress about making the celebration perfect. Focus on creating meaningful moments and enjoying the time spent together.

1st fathers day gift ideas
Some notes to make his first Father’s Day party perfect


Celebrating a first Father’s Day is a momentous occasion that deserves thoughtful and meaningful gift ideas for father. Whether it’s a personalized keepsake or a heartfelt gesture, the key is to show your love and appreciation for the new dad. Remember to consider his interests and preferences when selecting the perfect first Fathers Day gift ideas, and above all, cherish the joyous milestone together.